Met Council Letters
Do you like getting told, by a nonelected board that we, elected officials do not have the right, by their interpretation, of a Minnesota statute, 473.857 to ask or question the REASONABLENESS of their planning????? This is lunacy that the Minnesota Cartel, known as the Met Council is above asking or listening to the leaders that are defending residents rights!!!! I need help to spread the word…. IMMEADIATLY CHANGE OR ELIMINATE Minnesota Statute 473.857!!!
Friends and ALL Minnesotans, The Met council has overstepped its bounds and “Planning” for the “Possibility”, Maybe, Could be, sort of, for the years 2045 and beyond, today!!!! They are taking my residents property rights away and your rights across Minnesota…. This unelected group has usurped state and local leaderships voice. The attached letter I wrote in 2013 and was my objection to the Met Councils 2040 year estimated planning process…. WHICH I RECEIVED NO RESPONSE OR COMMENTS ON…. THEY ARE NOT LISTENING AND ARE DEFT TO ALL LEADERSHIPS CONCERNS!!!!
This is a big problem and effects land owners, elected officials of BOTH party’s across the 7 county metro area. Please share and stand up against ANY efforts that allow this Cartel to dictate to elected officials!
Good morning friends and fellow Minnesotans. I’m just getting started!! Please read and share this document to every person you know. This is my letter to the Metropolitan Council outlining unjust taking of our residence property through an overbearing and out of touch non elected bureaucratic government organization.
Letter from Cal Bahr
This is how our representative stays in touch. View Letter Here